Terms dictionary

Terms dictionary


– or hepatic cirrhosis – is a chronic liver disease in which the hepatic tissue and the vascular circulation of the liver, popularly known as so-called hardening of the liver, are gradually being transformed.
The most common causes of the disease are viral liver infections and excessive alcohol use. Hepatic cirrhosis may also lead to biliary obstruction (biliary cirrhosis) and chronic cardiac injetion (cardiac cirrhosis).

The average age of the patients with cirrhosis is ten years shorter than the overall age average, the average age of women patients is even horter. The cause of death on cirrhosis is more often the consequent complication of the disease than the actual liver damage. These include bleeding from esophageal varices, hepatocellular carcinoma, inflammatory complications (mainly pulmonary) and renal failure.



– or intestinal dysbacteriosis – means an imbalance of the intestinal microflora. There are billions of bacteria and fungi living in the small and large bowel. They do not harm us if they are in balance. Their weight is about one and a half kilograms together! In the basic division we can talk about two groups: 1st group – useful intestinal microorganisms (there are mainly bacterial strains of the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium).  2nd group – useless intestinal microorganisms (this includes a number of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella, Brucella, Listeria, Mycobacterium) and other microorganisms, e.g., Candida fungi.

Useful microorganisms extrude rotting processes, and useless microorganisms, on the contrary, create toxic poisonous substances for the organism. The intestinal microflora must be in balance. This is the only way to ensure proper food processing, including absorption and proper functioning of the immune system. If the microorganisms are not in balance and the intestinal tract does not work properly. The intestine is clogged with waste material, narrowing and poor food absorption. This creates an environment for the growth of unwanted bacteria and parasites. And that’s dysbacteriosis.

Natural medicine considers intestinal dysbacteriosis as a disease that is associated with so called over-acidification of the organism. Over-acidification occurs due to long-term increased consumption of so called acid-forming foods – meat, cheese, milk, sausages, white pastries and sweets. A lack of movement also contributes to hyperacidity.

Over-acidification of the organism prevents good cell function and therefore prevents the formation of enzymes and hormones. Over-acidification also affects nerve activity in the intestinal tract. The intestinal tract is sometimes also called the third brain (enteric nervous system). Survival affects the activity of this enteric nervous system. Of course, over-acidivication also leads to a malignant intestinal microflora in the intestinal tract. This leads to poor digestive tract and inflammation.



–  is an acute and highly infectious diarrhea disease. It is transmitted exclusively from human to human. Bacteria attack the colon and create dangerous toxins. Distinctive signs are abdominal pain, convulsions and watery diarrhea with blood and mucus. There is a risk of severe dehydration and in extremely severe cases of intestinal wall rupture. Ii is usually treated with antibiotics or with Endiaron (in lighter cases), and diet and fluid supply are important for the patient.
Prevention: isolation of patients, regular inspections of workers in the food industry, hand washing, heat treatment of food and water, protection of food against flies.



– derived from the Latin endometrium – lining of the uterine cavity. Particles of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) appear outside the uterine cavity, where they normally have nothing to do.
They appear not only in the ovaries, the bladder, the intestine, but rarely also in the more distant parts of the body, such as the lungs or the brain. They never occur in the heart and the spleen.

These parts of the uterine mucous membranes, however, respond to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle the same way like as the were in the uterine cavity. They bleed every single menstrual period. The endometrium parts are very small, so there is no major bleeding. However, the problems are growing steadily as cysts and scars are formed around the bearings, which can lead to fasciculations.
The disease brings pelvic pain, painful menstruation, long-term pain in the lower abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, and sometimes the presence of blood in the urine. Often, endometriosis causes infertility. Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological disease in female reproductive age.



– or jaundice – is generally inflammation of the liver, which is most often caused by viral agents. It may be of an infectious or non-infectious nature, acute or chronic. Viral hepatitis A or type A jaundice is also referred to as a disease of dirty hands.

Viral hepatitis

– also infectious hepatitis, popularly known as infectious jaundice, is a disease of the person causing liver inflammation. The virus originates from different families. Sometimes it is erroneously referred to as jaundice, which is, however, only a symptom that may or may not accompany hepatitis, and may accompany a number of other conditions, especially the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.



– from greek word „homoios“ – the same and „stasis“ – duration, means to automatically maintain the value of some magnitude at approximately the same value. In living organisms, it is the ability to maintain a stable internal environment that is a prerequisite for their functioning and existence, even when external conditions change. Homeostasis is to maintain the persistence of the internal environment of the organism (eg. constant temperature, pH – acidobasic equilibrium, ion concentration, etc.). It is necessary for the normal functioning of the organism.



– a disease of bacterial origin, which is transmitted through sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral and anal), or infection similar to influenza, or from mother to child during birth. The origin of the disease is Chlamydia trachomatis. Up to 90% of infected women and half of infected men may not know about their illness because of the absence or mild symptoms. Untreated chlamydia may be hazardous to health. Chlamydia can cause infertility.

If  untreated, chlamydia microorganisms can spread to the nerve tissues, the brain or the muscles and joints. They also attack the immune system, which causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

The dullness of the disease lies primarily in its latent stage, infected people may not observe any symptoms for many years. The secondary stage of infection is manifested by the same symptoms as common curable bacterial infections of the genitals (candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis) or viral infections (influenza, pneumonia, borreliosis).

Incubation time

is 1 – 3 weeks. The pulmonary form of chlamydia is the cause of an acute respiratory disorder manifested by suffocating cough, sore throat, hiccups, and fever, which can lead to severe lung disease. Symptoms resemble more intense flu.
In the case of a sexually transmitted disease, the incubation period ranges from 1 to 3 weeks. Chlamydia does not affect the uterine cell itself in the female body, but can settle in the urethra or rectum. The infection spreads further, causing inflammation of the cervix and in the end it can cause serious damage to the entire genital tract. Broken mucosa is the cause of the fallopian tube. And consequently the risk of ectopic pregnancy or disintegration of the ovaries and uterus leading to infertility.

In men, the urethra, superficial, rectum and rectum are most often damaged. Chlamydia in men causes urethritis. The incubation time is 10-20 days in these cases. After which there is a burning in the urethra and a purulent, occasionally yellowish discharge of varying strength and intensity (from one drop, through moisture to a strong discharge). The clinical picture resembles a lighter course of gonorrhoea.
The third form of sexual illness attacks the eyes where the infection develops like conjunctivitis, when untreated it can lead to blindness.



– a valid reason for using a test, medication, performance,



– suppress


Interferon or Interferon alpha 2

– is an immune protein that acts in the body’s antiviral defense. Interferon prevents the proliferation of viruses and refers to infected cells in the body. Interferons bind to the membranes of surrounding cells and increase their resistance or resistance to viral infection. By acting on cells, they cause antivirus status. They were discovered in 1957 as biomolecules with strong antiviral activity.

Human interferon alfa-2, which is produced by Bacillus subtilis, enters the bloodstream through the walls of the digestive tract and prevents viruses from infecting the cells.

Interferon changes the properties of the cell membrane, prevents the adhesion of the virus and its penetration into the cell.
Interferon activates the synthesis of a number of specific ferments, disrupting the synthesis of viral RNK (RNA) and viral proteins in the cell. It changes the cell membrane cytoskeleton and prevents the proliferation of cancer cells. It acts on the synthesis of some oncogenes and inhibits (slows down or stops) tumor growth.



– The word “colitis” is derived from Latin „colitis“, where this term refers to colon inflammation.



– is the opposite of the indication , this is a situation where certain performance, medication , etc. should not be used.



– means gradual in medical terminology, for example a gradual decrease of fever, opposite of sudden – critical



– or also urolithiasis – is a condition in which the urinary stones are formed in the excretory system – typically in the renal pelvis and urethra – which can  cause impassability of the urine system.



– pathogenic, disease-causing



– in healthcare, it is a set of activities and measures that represent protection against a certain disease. It can also be a set of activities related to the prevention (prevention) of creation of new diseases.


Ulcerative colitis

– or idiopathic proctocytosis – is a chronic disease of the intestinal mucosa. It is a disease that usually begins with an ankylosing disorder and is restricted to the large intestine. And rarely the end of the small intestine can be damaged by inflammation. The term ulcerative can be translated as chancrous. The name thus attempts to capture the course of the disease in short. It could be translated as ulcerative inflammation of the large intestine. However, this description is a bit misleading because actual ulcers are only present in some intestine in some forms of the disease.

Ulcerative colitis damages the mucous membrane and causes inflammation and ulcers on its surface. Diseases are chronic, often alternating with quiet non-symptomatic periods with the stages of disease activation.

Internal endocrine system (endocrine = internal secretion, secretion = excretion) is a control system of endocrine glands that exclude chemical messengers called hormones that circulate in the body in the bloodstream and affect the distal organs. It does not include exocrine glands (exocrine = external secretion) such as salivary glands, sweat glands and glands in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal = stomach and intestine).

Diseases of the endocrine system are common, such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes mellitus), thyroid disease, etc.


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