Frequently asked questions and answers

Is Vetom a Cure?

No. Vetom is definitely not a cure. It’s a patented probiotic preparation, that can effectively boost immunity and activate the digestive tract processes, it stimulates the proper functioning of the body and mibilizes its own healing power.

The product box is labled with the name „Betom“ and you call it „Vetom“. Why?

The original product is patented with its russian name and in the russian alphabet „B“ means „V“ in english and czech. So in russian alphabet, the product name is written as „Betom“ and in english and czech language as „Vetom“.

Is the product registered in the Czech Republic?

Yes, of course, the product has passed all required attestations according to the laws of the Czech Republic that we follow. Products are registered as a dietary supplement and probiotic.

Does the product packaging contain a Czech translation?

Yes, all products contain a leaflet with a Czech translation and all related data according to the relevant Czech laws.

Why does a normally healthy person have a untidy bowel?

From the first to the last day of our life we ​​receive a large number of bacteria, germs and viruses from the food we eat, from the water we drink, from the air we breathe. Most of them settle in our bowels.
These organisms survive in us and produce toxins that are absorbed into the blood. Toxins interfere with the normal passage and absorption of nutrients needed to restore organ cells. In such a toxic environment, various diseases can arise.
Most viruses and bacteria need oxygen to survive. Therefore, they produce a glair on the walls of the intestines into which oxygen is collected from food. The glair makes a coating that prevents the intake and effective use of nutritional and beneficial substances in our body.

Why are the Vetom series probiotics so effective?

The Vetom preparations have a strictly selective and targeted effect based on the patent. After taking the Vetom product, the active ingredient of Bacillus subtilis begins to search for oxygen in our body. It finds it in the already mentioned intestinal glair. It starts to create antibodies and eliminate the bacteria and viruses living in the glair. The cleansed intestinal system stops releasing toxins into the body and our organism can receive far more nutrients and other beneficial organisms. Our body begins to heal itself.

Why is it recommended to use the full range of Vetom series?

It is not possible to determine in advance which of the Vetom preparations will be most effective for a particular person, because each person has an individual spectrum of microorganisms in their digestive tract. In order to maximize the positive effect on the organism, it is desirable to use successively all the Vetom series preparations throughout the complex.

Why is it recommended to take the Vetom preparation in a specific order?

Simply put, Vetom 1.1 activates and optimizes the activity of thw whole body. Then, with Vetom 4, we activate colon cleansing and cleansing of the small intestine from pathogenic microflora, and after a break with Vetom 3, we support the activity of the large intestine. We follow the sequences of the digestive tract aktivity logically.

What are the differences between Vetom series products?

You can find the answer in section Differences between Vetom preparations.

How many Vetom 1.1 capsules can I use in the maximum amount of 10 days of use for maximum immunity optimization?

For maximum effect, you can take up to max. 10 capsules a day, it means a total of 100 capsules in 10 days. Then discontinue using of Vetom 1.1 for 2 months. It is not recommended to use Vetom 1.1 and Vetom 1.23 more than 10 – max. 15 days !

Can I take Vetom 1.1 and Vetom 2 at the same time?

Certainly not. Each product contains specific bioactive substances, the efficacy of which is precisely determined. The process of activating and optimizing your immunity, as well as the proper digestive tract activity, will not speed up. Take precautions and take the preparation according to the recommended dosage

Why do capsules contain sucrose (sugar) and starch?

Starch provides additional mechanical protection for the bacteria and provides a more even distribution of the weight of the filler. At the same time, it helps to accelerate the reproduction of bacterial spores, which increases the efficiency of the activity.
Sugar is not only a filling but it has a stabilizing and preserving effect in the preparation and creates better conditions for the storage of bacterial spores.

What is the recommended dosage for children?

For children, we recommend half-dosing.

From what age do you recommend using Vetom for children?

From 1 year of age.

Can people with diarrhea and flatulence also benefit from Vetom?

Yes, the product modifies the whole digestive tract and optimizes its activity.

Is there any restriction on allergies when using Vetom?

Rarely an allergy to starch or glucose, very exceptionally hay allergy can occur.

Is there any limitation for people who have a diabetes diagnose?

Yes, in more detail, we write about it in the section For Diabetics .

Can people with high/low pressure use Vetom?

Yes, Vetom may be a probiotic, it has no side effects and doesn´t effet the blood pressure.

When I use virostatic, can I also take immunity support Vetom 1.1 or Vetom 1.23?

No, we do not recommend using both of them at once. Basically Vetom also works as virostatics. Start using Vetom after you finish using virostatic medicine. Use it for a maximum of 10 days, then a 2-month break is required.

Can I give Vetom my 87-year-old mother?

Vetom is a probiotic. If you follow the recommended dosage, there is no reason to worry.

If you have further questions, you can contact us through the contact form .

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